Submission Instructions

Important notice: Paper submission system is now open!

All submitted papers will be thoroughly reviewed to maintain a certain level of quality and standard in order to be considered for ELM2015. Accepted papers need to be presented at the conference. Selected papers will be recommended for further review for publication consideration in special issues of reputable ISI indexed international journals: Neurocomputing, Cognitive Computation, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Memetic Computing, and Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing. Such submissions should not have been submitted elsewhere and they are not currently under review by other conferences or journals.

Preparing Papers

All the manuscripts should be prepared according to the given template (pdf). The manuscript text should be in single-column format. The length of the manuscripts prepared with the given template is limited up to 35 pages. It can be prepared using wordprocessing software or LaTeX, but LaTeX typesetting is preferred.

Please upload a signed and completed copyright form together with the paper submission.

Paper Submissions

In order to get your papers accepted by ELM2015 and included in its journal special issues/Proceedings, you need to strictly follow the following two-step submission procedure:

Step 1:

All the papers need to be first submitted through ELM2015 online web submission page:

Preliminary reviews of all the submissions will be conducted by the Program Committee of ELM2015. Authors will receive the preliminary review decisions from the Program Committee of ELM2015:

  • Submissions with poor quality will be rejected without further consideration.
  • Selected full length submissions with high quality will be recommended to the special issues of journals for further consideration.

Step 2:

Only authors whose submissions are in full length and have high quality will be informed of how to submit their papers to the journal special issues for further consideration. Authors need to submit their papers to the journal special issues (through each journal's online submission system accordingly) for rigorous blind review. Final decision on whether submissions can be included in the journal special issues will be made based on this rigorous blind review.